Friday 20 March 2015

Dr Robert Anthony PhD
Dr Robert Anthony Has Made A Life Changing Difference
In The Lives Of Over 10 Million People Worldwide
Dr. Robert Anthony is recognized worldwide as an "Undercover secret for some of the most successful people on the planet."
Through his transformational works such as The Secret Of Deliberate Creation , Self Confidence Creator , the highly acclaimed Zero Resistance Weight Loss and his most recently released Deliberate Creation Instant Self Hypnosis , Dr Anthony's knowledge, depth of understanding and wisdom has impacted and assisted 10 million plus individuals from all around the world in enhancing the quality of their lives.
For more than 30 years Dr. Anthony has spent his life unraveling the mysteries of the mind. During that time he has earned a Ph.D. in behavioral psychology from Pacific Western University and has worked as a psychotherapist, NLP practitioner, master hypnotist and personal performance trainer.
Dr. Anthony is licensed by the American Board of Hypnotherapy and is highly trained in all forms of Energy Therapy including TFT, TAT, and EFT and is a member of The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology.
He has spoken at over 5,000 prestigious seminars all over the world, and been featured as the keynote speaker to clients who paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to attend.
He has appeared on ABC, CBS and NBC television, and his client list includes such giants as Federal Express, Mary Kay, Proctor and Gamble, and many Fortune 500 companies.
In addition, Dr Anthony has authored over 15 books, which have been published in 22 countries. His flagship books, Beyond Positive Thinking and The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence have sold over a million copies, and all totaled his writings have sold over 4 million copies.
Dr Anthony's immense global impact is sure to be a lasting one and carried forward by those who have benefited or at some point will benefit from his seminars, reading his books, or listening to and applying the concepts and strategies he teaches through his many insightful and highly sought after collection of personal empowerment systems all of which stem from his more than 3 decades of serving others from all walks of life.

Tuesday 17 March 2015


Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
. . .
As you imagine and visualize and verbalize your new story, in time you will believe the new story, and when that happens, the evidence will flow swiftly into your experience. A belief is only a thought you continue to think; and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality.
There is no physical body, no matter what the conditions, that cannot achieve an improved condition. Nothing else in your experience responds as quickly as your own physical body to your patterns of thought.

How to Be a World Class Speaker that can Truly MOVE an Audience

Monday 16 March 2015

How You Can Get Anything You Want In Life In 68 Seconds – By David Cameron Gikandi – author of The eBook A Happy Pocket Full of Money

Let’s keep this simple. As simple as can be. What do you
More money? A new house? A nice luxury car? A holiday in
France? A new boyfriend or girlfriend? An athletic body?
Whatever it is, it is a physical result, is it not?
Why? For what feeling? So you can feel secure? Happy?
Fulfilled? Whatever the reason is, it so that you can feel
good, feel free, and experience satisfaction of some kind.
It is to enjoy your self one way or the other. Feeling.
So how do you get whatever it is that you want in your
life, easily? Here is the formula for all creation of one’s
reality. And trust me; it is as easy as you make it to be.
If you complicate it, it gets complicated to that degree.
If you keep it as simple as it is, it becomes a seeming
miracle, simple yet profoundly powerful, a sign of mastery.
And now, the formula: